Symphonie en sous-sol / Underground symphony
On the occasion of the International Year of Caves and Karst in 2021, the authors Philippe Crochet und Annie Guiraud off ... more
65,00 EUR*
‘Hidden Worlds’ By Robbie Shone
‘Hidden Worlds’ is a collection of images showcasing the most exquisite mastery of lowlight photography. more
64,90 EUR*
Lechuguilla Cave -Discoveries in a Hidden Splendor
Lechuguilla Cave (New Mexico, USA) is one of the most beautiful caves on Earth. Since its discovery in 1986, more than 2 ... more
59,90 EUR*
New Zealand Karst
A voyage across limestone landscapes into the subterranean realm of caves New Zealand Karstis a high-quality coffee-tabl ... more
49,90 EUR*
Caves - Exploring New Zealand’s
This fantastic photographic book brings to light the exploration of the country’s longest, deepest, and most important s ... more
48,90 EUR*
Les Grottes de Han
Les Grottes de Han sont sans conteste un des joyaux de l’Europe. Sculptées par la Lesse, la richesse et la diversité inf ... more
20,00 EUR*
La Grotte d'Enlène
Immersion dans un habitat magdalénien Les Cavernes du Volp se situent sur la commune de Montesquieu-Avantès (Ariège), et ... more
55,00 EUR*
Lechuguilla - Die schönste Höhle der Welt
Die Vielfalt der Höhlenformationen und Größe der Kristallisationen übertrifft alles bisher bekannte. Eine Symphonie ... more
35,00 EUR*
Inside Mother Earth
"A fantastic journey into our planet's interior. Nearly the entire surface of the earth has been photographed and docume ... more
19,90 EUR*
Caves of Fire - 2nd Edition
expanded coverage of lava tube genesis, including spectacular new images which peek into active ... more
17,90 EUR*
La Geoda Gigante de Pulpi
The Pulpi Geode is a phenomenon in the world due to the perfect shape and transparency of the crystals ... more
15,00 EUR*
Grandi Grotte e Abissi del Mediterraneo
Guida Fotografica - Sardegna / Ein Bildband mit Plänen über Höhlen in Sardinien ... more
35,00 EUR*
Grandes cavites mediterraneennes
Guida Fotografica - Languedoc et Rouergue. Ein Bildband über Höhlen in der französichen Region ... more
45,00 EUR*
Tsingy Stone Forest - Madagascar
Gifted with an exceptional flora, fauna and topography, the park has been the subject of numerous ... more
34,00 EUR*
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*Alle Preise inkl. Umsatzsteuer, zuzüglich Versand