Coffee-table book

  • Symphonie en sous-sol / Underground symphony

    Symphonie en sous-sol / Underground symphony

    On the occasion of the International Year of Caves and Karst in 2021, the authors Philippe Crochet und Annie Guiraud off ... more

    65,00 EUR*

  • ‘Hidden Worlds’ By Robbie Shone

    ‘Hidden Worlds’ By Robbie Shone

    ‘Hidden Worlds’ is a collection of images showcasing the most exquisite mastery of lowlight photography. more

    64,90 EUR*

  • Lechuguilla Cave -Discoveries in a Hidden Splendor

    Lechuguilla Cave -Discoveries in a Hidden Splendor

    Lechuguilla Cave (New Mexico, USA) is one of the most beautiful caves on Earth. Since its discovery in 1986, more than 2 ... more

    59,90 EUR*

  • New Zealand Karst

    New Zealand Karst

    A voyage across limestone landscapes into the subterranean realm of caves New Zealand Karstis a high-quality coffee-tabl ... more

    49,90 EUR*

  • Caves - Exploring New Zealand’s

    Caves - Exploring New Zealand’s

    This fantastic photographic book brings to light the exploration of the country’s longest, deepest, and most important s ... more

    48,90 EUR*

  • Les Grottes de Han

    Les Grottes de Han

    Les Grottes de Han sont sans conteste un des joyaux de l’Europe. Sculptées par la Lesse, la richesse et la diversité inf ... more

    20,00 EUR*

  • La Grotte d'Enlène

    La Grotte d'Enlène

    Immersion dans un habitat magdalénien Les Cavernes du Volp se situent sur la commune de Montesquieu-Avantès (Ariège), et ... more

    55,00 EUR*

  • Lechuguilla - Die schönste Höhle der Welt

    Lechuguilla - Die schönste Höhle der Welt

    Die Vielfalt der Höhlenformationen und Größe der Kristallisationen übertrifft alles bisher bekannte. Eine Symphonie ... more

    35,00 EUR*

  • Inside Mother Earth

    Inside Mother Earth

    "A fantastic journey into our planet's interior. Nearly the entire surface of the earth has been photographed and docume ... more

    19,90 EUR*

  • Caves of Fire - 2nd Edition

    Caves of Fire - 2nd Edition

    expanded coverage of lava tube genesis, including spectacular new images which peek into active ... more

    17,90 EUR*

  • La Geoda Gigante de Pulpi

    La Geoda Gigante de Pulpi

    The Pulpi Geode is a phenomenon in the world due to the perfect shape and transparency of the crystals ... more

    15,00 EUR*

  • Grandi Grotte e Abissi del Mediterraneo

    Grandi Grotte e Abissi del Mediterraneo

    Guida Fotografica - Sardegna / Ein Bildband mit Plänen über Höhlen in Sardinien ... more

    35,00 EUR*

  • Grandes cavites mediterraneennes

    Grandes cavites mediterraneennes

    Guida Fotografica - Languedoc et Rouergue. Ein Bildband über Höhlen in der französichen Region ... more

    45,00 EUR*

  • Tsingy Stone Forest - Madagascar

    Tsingy Stone Forest - Madagascar

    Gifted with an exceptional flora, fauna and topography, the park has been the subject of numerous ... more

    34,00 EUR*

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