The Cave Diving Group Manual
The contents of this manual are the distillation of the CDG's knowledge of UK cave diving which is the result of its' hi ... more
29,00 EUR*
Diving in Darkness
Diving in Darkness is the long-awaited, global guide to diving in an overhead environment by Martyn Farr ... more
25,00 EUR*
Classic Darksite Diving
Classic Darksite Diving presents practical information on undertaking dives in carefully selected caves and ... more
32,00 EUR*
A Quest for the Secrets of Xibalba
There are no longer many places on the globe where humans have yet to set foot. One of few exceptions is the expansive j ... more
28,00 EUR*
The Darkness Beckons - 2nd Ed.
Martyn Farr - The History and Development of Cave Diving This acclaimed book describes the dangerous yet fascinating wo ... more
45,00 EUR*
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