SPAR – Expedition and Small Party Assisted Rescue
The skills and techniques presented in this manual have also been referred to as Small Party Self Rescue, or ... more
90,00 EUR*
I like to move it!
Flaschenzüge in der Seiltechnik. Umfangreicher Leitfaden für Anforderungen, Gefährdungsanalysen und ... more
55,00 EUR*
Alpine Caving Techniques
A definitive source for vertical and horizontal caving techniques among cavers worldwide ... more
35,00 EUR*
Caving Technical Guide
This guide discribes the different techniques and equipment used underground, including moving through the cave ... more
24,00 EUR*
Cave Rescuers Manual
Comprising almost 100 pages, the manual deals with the equipment and techniques needed to evacuate a casualty .. more
15,00 EUR*
Kleines Handbuch für Höhlenbefahrung
Dieses kleine Handbuch dient als Unterstützung der praktischen Instruktion zur "Seiltechnik" im Bereich von Höhlen ... more
12,90 EUR*
On Call
Intended to serve as a comprehensive reference for those interested in cave rescue ... more
39,00 EUR*
On Station
A Complete Handbook for Surveying and Mapping Caves ... more
40,00 EUR*
In diesem Buch wird das nötige Grundwissen für die Vermessung von Höhlen für die ersten Schritte vermittelt .. more
19,90 EUR*
Fahrt in die Tiefe
ein praktisches Handbuch für alle, die der Faszination Höhle erlegen sind. Erfahrene Speläologen ... more
19,80 EUR*
Manuel Technique de Plongee souterraine
La plonge´e souterraine constitue pour le spe´le´ologue un outil pour aller plus loin dans ses explorations. Elle est en ... more
30,90 EUR*
Cave Conservation and Restoration
Following an introduction, Part Two describes current concepts and practices in cave conservation. Identifying/protectin ... more
36,90 EUR*
Images Below
A clear and comprehensive how-to-do-it recipe book packed with numerous tips ... more
29,00 EUR*
On Caves and Cameras
Whether you are just beginning to take pictures with a point-and-shoot camera or have many years of ... more
36,00 EUR*
To Photograph Darkness
Here is a fascinating and highly readable account of the history of underground photography ... more
25,00 EUR*
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