Scientific books

  • Cave Geology

    Cave Geology

    This book is dedicated to anyone with an interest in caves and their origin ... more

    56,90 EUR*

  • Speleogenesis


    This book is a pioneer attempt by an international group of cave scientists to: summarize modem knowledge about the orig ... more

    48,90 EUR*

  • Cave Minerals of the World

    Cave Minerals of the World

    This book describes all of the world's 255 known cave minerals ... more

    49,90 EUR*

  • The Virtual Cave

    The Virtual Cave

    A pictorial guide to the wondrous world of cave formations ... more

    22,90 EUR*

  • Lexikon für Höhlenforscher

    Lexikon für Höhlenforscher

    2300 Begriffe mit Definitionen, ca. 7350 Stichworte aus Geologie, Morphologie, ydrologie, Höhlenkunde ... more

    26,00 EUR*

  • Encyclopedia of Caves

    Encyclopedia of Caves

    Encyclopedia of Caves is a self-contained, beautifully illustrated work dedicated to caves and their unique environments ... more

    99,00 EUR*

  • Höhlenkunde - von Franz Kraus 1894

    Höhlenkunde - von Franz Kraus 1894

    Wege und Zweck der Erforschung unterirdischer Räume. Mit Berücksichtigung der geographischen, geologischen ... more

    30,00 EUR*

  • Höhlen und Karst in Österreich

    Höhlen und Karst in Österreich

    gibt einen einzigartigen Einblick in die faszinierenden, oft schwer zugänglichen unterirdischen Landschaften... more

    49,00 EUR*

  • Beiträge zur Speläologie Teil 1

    Beiträge zur Speläologie Teil 1

    Sedimentologische Untersuchungen in den Regionen Sauerland, Fränkische Schweiz, Chiemgauer Alpen und ... more

    15,00 EUR*

  • Karst Waters Institute SP 14 - 2008

    Karst Waters Institute SP 14 - 2008

    Extended Abstracts and Field Guide for the symposium held June 7 through June 11 in Rapid City ... more

    54,00 EUR*

  • Karst Waters Institute SP 10 - 2006

    Karst Waters Institute SP 10 - 2006

    Archives of Climate Change in Karst / Proceedings of the Symposium: Climate Change the Karst Record ... more

    58,00 EUR*

  • Karst Waters Institute SP 8 - 2003

    Karst Waters Institute SP 8 - 2003

    Recommendations and Guidelines for Managing Caves on Protected Lands ... more

    16,00 EUR*

  • Karst Waters Institute SP 7 - 2002

    Karst Waters Institute SP 7 - 2002

    Hydrogeology and Biology of Post-Paleozoic Carbonate Aquifers ... more

    28,00 EUR*

  • Karst Waters Institute SP 6 - 2001

    Karst Waters Institute SP 6 - 2001

    Mapping Subterranean Biodiversity. Selected papers and abstracts of the symposium held, Moulis, France... more

    27,50 EUR*

  • Karst Waters Institute SP 3 - 1997

    Karst Waters Institute SP 3 - 1997

    Conservation and Protection of the Biota of Karst ... more

    24,50 EUR*

  • The Subterranean Beetles of the Balkan Peninsula

    The Subterranean Beetles of the Balkan Peninsula

    Catalogue of all the cavernicolous beetles of Balkan. Carabidae, Leiodidae, Staphylinidae ... more

    99,00 EUR*

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